Archer Joseph Haynes

We’re proud to announce the arrival of Archer Joseph Haynes – what a handsome little fellow. Weighing in at 3,860 grams and 52 centimetres long, he’s ready to take on the world! He arrived by emergency caesarean at 12:18pm today and he’s … Continue reading

Post trip Q&A

Home again!

We have been home a little while now. And have had lots of questions about our trip…

Where was your favourite place? Is there anywhere you could’ve stayed forever? Did we have much rain? What was the weather like? Are you pregnant yet? Do you have a favourite country for food? What was the best thing you ate?

So many questions… and I think we finally have answers for them all. So here is our FAQ edition of our euro-trip world tour blog…

1. Where was your favourite place?

Elyse – Italy. In general. It was amazing. I would probably pick the Amalfi coast or Santorini in Greece as the most beautiful, but I think Positano comes up trumps in the food department. I wish we could’ve spent more time there. The weather was perfect the day we were there. 28-ish degrees. Sunshine. Still. And the private tour we took lead to, possibly, the most amazing meal I have ever had in my life. I don’t think I could go back to Europe and not visit here again.

Drew – oooh such a tough question, I absolutely loved Edinburgh. It’s a great city… and when we got there we could finally speak English to people, be understood… and be spoken to in English in return! It was bliss :] On top of that it was just really cool, lots of little bars, quaint shops, cafes… a free pitch & putt golf course. So rad.

2. Is there anywhere you could’ve stayed forever?

Elyse – Florence and Edinburgh were the two cities we decided we could live in. But when it comes down to it, I think Edinburgh would be WAY too cold for me in winter. So I would pick Florence, here. The place is beautiful. The Italian food, the people we met, the lifestyle, shopping, it was all wonderful! We had such a great time here that I could’ve (almost) cancelled the rest of the trip and stayed right there. God bless Tuscany.

Drew – as above, those were definitely our favourites. Lots of other places were really cool to visit but we could easily live in Edinburgh or Florence. Don’t worry though, Newcastle is home!

3. Did we have much rain?

Elyse – no… not really. We had rain in Belgium, Paris and the UK (you expect it in the UK, so it wasn’t too bad). Paris was a bit sad in the rain, but it was still beautiful. It is Paris after all! The rain didn’t really ruin any of our fun at all.

Drew – nope, did you? But seriously… I love the rain, I was hoping for a big thunderstorm somewhere but we never got one… maybe big storms are an Australian thing?

4. What was the weather like?

Elyse – For the most part, the weather was pretty good. It was windy in Santorini but without the wind, it was a dream. We found that in most places. When there was no wind or clouds, the weather was amazing! As soon as any wind hit, it got cold quickly. But we were really lucky overall. I should’ve packed warmer clothes for the northern parts of Europe we saw (Belgium, northern France, the UK), but it wasn’t a major problem, especially during the day. There was just a lot of outfit repeating and wearing through of clothes. Scotland is one cold cold windy country. It is as beautiful as it is cold though. Just lovely.

Drew – It was class, pretty much perfect… couldn’t have expected better.

5. Are you pregnant yet?

Elyse – If you haven’t place a bet on this, asked us, or gossiped quietly with a friend about this, then I think you may be the only one. Yes! I am 10 weeks pregnant and I could not be more excited! We are expecting baby to arrive around the 21st of February and I am so smitten. I cannot wait to meet this little person!

Drew – Elyse is with child and I am responsible!

6. Do you have a favourite country for food?

Elyse – Italy. Hands down. If you don’t know why, then you haven’t been and you really should!! If you eat the local produce and what the area is famous for then you cant go wrong. AMAZING.

Drew – France. Der. How good is French cooking!? They just take so much pride in the whole process. Fresh produce, great recipes. You just can’t beat classic’s like duck breast, foie gras, tartare de beouf & cassoulet…. mmmmmm and that’s without even mentioning the sweets & pastries.

7. What was the best thing you ate?

Elyse – Anything Italian. Pizza. Gnocchi. Pasta. Any kind of deli meat. Prosciutto. Ham. All of it. AMAZING.

Drew – As many gyros as I could in Greece. Holy smokes they are delicious!

Okay, ask us more questions. Go!